Do you buy sexy or lewd figures? How about hentai figures? Do you display them in your living room? Or do you display them in the privacy of your bedroom? Before buying a lewd figure, do you worry if you can display them? Do you worry about people seeing your collection and being judged for your choice of hobbies? That’s a lot of questions to start a post and I figure the answer would be different for everyone.
Let me preface that this is not me telling you what kind of figures you should display or not display because that’s your choice. Rather, this is me saying that some people may not take too kindly to seeing scantily-clad PVC women in your living room. If you are not accepting guests into your home, then display whatever you want.
It’s Only Weird if You Make it Weird
In my case, I think displaying sexy and lewd anime figures is only weird if you make it weird. If you yourself, the collector, thinks that displaying your collection in your home is weird, it will show in how you act. People will sense that you are ashamed of your hobby. If you are confident and act confident, then that confidence will rub off on people and they will see that there is nothing wrong with figure collecting.
I display sexy and lewd figures in my living room but with limitations. I live with my wife and daughter so obviously hentai and cast-off figures are a no go. I do display sexy figures in swimsuits and lingerie but nothing in compromising poses. My golden rule for determining if a figure is appropriate for my display is no nudity and crotch shots. If I have guests over, most don’t mind the figures. Some do asks questions. Common questions are where do you buy them or how much they’re worth.
Don’t Entertain Questions
I don’t entertain a lot of questions when people ask about the figures. I normally just shrug it off unless I know they are genuinely interested in anime or can be introduced to collecting. I answer one question without giving a lot of information and segue to a different topic. A polite person wouldn’t inquire any further.
What if the Person is Genuinely Interested
You’ll know if a person is genuinely interested. And if that’s the case, answering politely would do you good. You might have just earned yourself a new collecting buddy.
Buy Want You Want, Display What You Want
I’m not here to tell what figures you should buy or not buy. I’m not here to tell you what you should or should not display. At the end of the day, it is your space and your decision. Buy the figures that you are happy with and display them where you want to display them. After all, what good is a hobby if you are not happy with what you are doing?
What’s Acceptable?
If you want to be a good host to your guests, then you should consider what is acceptable to display in the living room.
When I say “acceptable”, I’m talking about what is acceptable in the eyes of a normie — a non-collector and someone who does not watch anime and doesn’t play video games. Also, consider what is generally-acceptable would depend on your societal norms. A stark example here is what would be acceptable in Japan may be ludicrous and even offensive in the western world. There’s a reason Japanese media is usually censored when being ported to other parts of the world.
Ultimately, you are your own judge on what is acceptable or not. But a good measure to determine what is acceptable is to ask yourself if it will make your guests uncomfortable. If you usually only have your close over friends, then you might not need to worry much. But if you are having over other people not in your close circle, the lewd ones could cause a stir.
Swimsuit and lingerie figures in general are fine unless the the character is in a compromising position (eg., legs spread open or lifting the butt to expose the crotch). See the examples below.

What is Not Acceptable
If you have guests, it is your responsibility as a host to make your home presentable. You may insist that it is your home and you can do what you want in your home as long as you are not breaking any laws. You are not wrong. However, as a good host, you also wouldn’t want to make your guests feel uncomfortable. Many people might not be too comfortable with you having a hentai figure with legs spread open displayed right there in your living room.
Displaying cast-off figures and hentai figures that show breasts and genitalia in your living room (or any space where you receive guests) is not acceptable. Some may even take offense at it. Not everyone is comfortable with nudity or sexuality. Don’t keep these figures in places where you receive guests. It’s just not hospitable.
If you have lewd loli figures, they may also belong in the “do not display in the living room list”. Even in Japan, being branded a lolicon raises eyebrows. Even more so in other parts of the world. So just do yourself a favor and keep the lewd lolis away from prying eyes. Keep them in the bedroom display if you must. The last thing you want is people talking about you behind your back about you being a pedophile. You may or not give a shit but you’ll never know when the loli police could come knocking at your door. Being accused of pedophilia is not something you’d ever want to happen.

Keep the crotch shots, cast-offs, hentai figures and lewd lolis away from the living room. Other sexy figures that don’t belong in that category should be okay to display anywhere in your household. And again, this is not meant to dissuade you from buying the figures that you want. Rather, this is meant to be a guide on what figures are acceptable for displaying in your living room so you don’t unknowingly offend other people.

I started the NekoFigs blog in January 2021, 5 years after I’ve started collecting anime figures. It all started with one humble prize figure of Saber Lily which was bought on a whim. Now, I have also started my own anime figure store which just means more box problems.
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